Chemicals from fuel or heating oil spills can travel through plastic pipes and contaminate your water supply.
If you answer yes to some or all of the questions below, follow the advice in the section below.
Does your water taste or smell of fuel or solvents?
Do you have a fuel tank stored at your property?
Has there been a fuel leak or spill nearby?
Is all or part of your water pipe made of plastic?
Was your fuel tank recently moved or filled up?
Fuel contamination advice
If you answered yes to the questions above contact us on immediately on 01582 344374, the chemicals that cause these tastes and smells can be harmful. We will investigate the issue and advise what to do next.
You may need to replace your plastic pipes with plastic barrier pipes if the land at your property is contaminated.
If you are aware of any fuel spills, please contact your local council environmental health team as soon as possible